Buying a home is a big deal. There is no arguing that. It creates an interesting and at times, exhausting mix of emotions: happiness, eagerness, fear, stress, excitement and uncertainty, to name a few.

We completely understand what you are experiencing and we can absolutely ease your mind when it comes to any part of the home buying process, from financing, to home inspection, to moving day and everything in between.
There is no doubt that you will have a lot of questions- what kind of mortgage will you qualify for and what kind of rate? Should you go with variable or closed? When do you need to get a lawyer involved? How do you make an offer? What kind of conditions should you put in the offer? What do you need to worry about as moving day approaches? Should you hire professional movers and what does that entail?
We hear you and we are here for you. You will find answers to all of these questions and more in our comprehensive home buyer’s guide- we have got you covered!
What We’ll Cover:
- Home Buyer’s Basic From A to Z
- Required Mortgage Documentation
- Calculating The Value of Home You Can Afford, Other Mortgage Calculators & Payment Options
- Closing Costs & Other Fees
- The Team of Experts You Will Encounter
- All About Moving – Tips and Recommendations
- Glossary of Terms
- Overview of Services & How To Get Started
Download the Guide: